Gabriele Carboni

Co-founder of Weevo

Co-editor of The PMI Journal

Gabriele Carboni, born in Bazzano (BO) on March 11, 1981, resides in Vignola (MO), hometown of Agostino Paradisi, one of the fathers of Civil Economy.

Carboni serves as vice-president of UCID Modena and is a delegate for Emilia-Romagna to the UCID Youth National Committee, as well as being responsible for managing the UCID National website. He is an active member of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation and has twice completed the course on the Social Doctrine of the Church. In June 2023, he was received in private audience by Pope Francis on the occasion of the Foundation’s 30th anniversary.

He is also a dedicated member of the Rotary Club of Vignola Castelfranco E. Bazzano and has been an active contributor to Rotary District 2072 since 2021, serving as District Committee Chair since 2022. He is a member of the Paul Harris Society. As a friend and supporter of the ANT Foundation, he received the Eubiosia Award in 2022 and 2023 for his contribution.

As an international bestselling author, Gabriele Carboni works closely with Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing, designing the future of marketing. Kotler recognizes him as a leader in Impact Marketing, a new approach that integrates the principles of Civil Economy into marketing and business strategies. Known as a “Game-changer” in digital marketing strategies and a prominent influencer in Italian marketing, Carboni has co-authored “Essentials of Modern Marketing” with Kotler in various editions worldwide. He is also a co-author of “Doers & Dreamers” alongside Seth Godin and other experts. With many years of experience in digital marketing strategy, Carboni is a consultant, trainer, and international speaker.

If you don’t put into practice what you learn, it’s as if you haven’t learned anything at all.

Gabriele Carboni

The book Wrebook by Gabriele Carboni

Format: Wrebook
Available languages: Italian

An essential compass for standing out in the intricate world of modern marketing.

In an era characterized by homogenization and fierce competition, how can you stand out from the crowd and create genuine distinctive value for your brand? “Beyond the Jungle of Prices” is not just a book, but a true journey. A journey that guides you through the pitfalls of marketing, helping you find your unique path.

The author, recognized by Philip Kotler as “the North Star of Impact Marketing,” offers unique strategies and tactics to make a difference in today’s market. With a foreword by Stefania Pertusi, Vice President Global Product and Portfolio Management at Tetra Pak, this book is destined to become your go-to guide for successfully navigating the tumultuous world of business.

The book introduces the concept and process of Marketing Distinguo, which was awarded at the DES in Madrid as one of the top three marketing innovations worldwide in 2019. Regarding Marketing Distinguo, Philip Kotler stated: “Finally, a clear and simple process to achieve the essence of marketing: differentiation.”